The Clinic

Our Treatments



Radio Frequency (RF) skin Tightening

Radio Frequency Skin Tightening works by generating heat to create penetration through the epidermal and dermal layers of skin. This causes tissue retraction to stimulate the function of fibroblast which increases the collogen and skin elastin, leaving the skin tightened and lifted. 


Ultrasound Body Contouring (Fat Cavitation) 

Ultrasound fat cavitation uses sound waves to heat up the lypocyte to create liquefation and then removal of the triglycerides (fat cells) in your body. 


Vaccum Cavitation (Celluite reduction & Product infusion) 

Vacuum Cavitation is a dua combination of massage and lymphatic drainage to help reduce the appearance of celluite. Bum Bum cream infused after vaccum cavitation treatment to help smooth and tighten the appearance of the skin.